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How much is 32 Ethereum (ETH) in US dollars?

The cost of 32 Ethereums (ETH) in United States Dollars for a week (7 days) increased by +$3,300.33 (three thousand three hundred dollars thirty-three cents). The cost of 32 Ethereums (ETH) in United States Dollars for a month (30 days) increased by +$22,009.20 (twenty-two thousand nine dollars twenty cents).

What can ETH do?

There are many cryptocurrencies and lots of other tokens on Ethereum, but there are some things that only ETH can do. ETH is the lifeblood of Ethereum. When you send ETH or use an Ethereum application, you'll pay a fee in ETH to use the Ethereum network.

What's the difference between Ethereum and ETH?

It's common to mix up Ethereum and ETH. Ethereum is the blockchain and ETH is the primary asset of Ethereum. ETH is what you're probably looking to buy. More on Ethereum. What's unique about ETH? There are many cryptocurrencies and lots of other tokens on Ethereum, but there are some things that only ETH can do. ETH is the lifeblood of Ethereum.

How many ether are created every 12 seconds?

Five ether are created roughly every 12 seconds. But beyond that, the rules for ether’s economy are open-ended and frequently change as new improvement proposals are agreed upon by the Ethereum developer community. While bitcoin has a hard cap of 21 million bitcoins, Ethereum's main token does not have a set max supply limit.

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